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A Weekend in Modena


Ten monuments and places you have to see to live an extraordinary holiday in Modena

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Weekend in Modena

Weekend in Modena

Discover Modena at a special price!

Stay at Hotel Rosso Frizzante on Saturday night and you’ll enjoy the Solution “Smart” at the same cost of the “Easy”!


from € 59,00for room
  • For those of you who choose to travel in a simple and comfortable way.
  • Double room
  • Buffet breakfast


from € 64,00for room
  • For those of you who want all conveniences.
  • Double room
  • Buffet breakfast
  • Free Wi-Fi
  • Free Minibar
  • Free covered parking in garage


from € 99,00for room
  • For those of you travelling with family or friends.
  • Double room with living room
  • Buffet breakfast
  • Free Wi-Fi
  • Free Minibar
  • Free covered parking in garage
  • Late Check-out
  • Late Check-out
  • Favourite newspaper delivered to your room

Book now on this Website and get your exclusive gift

  • Weekend in Modena

    Weekend in Modena

    Offers Weekend in Modena Discover Modena at a special price! Stay at Hotel Rosso Frizzante on [...]

  • Online booking 5% off

    Choose the solution that suits you the best, to travel in a simple and ideal way… Check Availability [...]

  • Early booking Offer

    Early Booking offer

    Offers Book in advance & Save Book early and save! By booking your room with 10 days [...]

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… but that’s just because we have the best guests ever!